Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Beginning

So we have decided to join the blogging world afterall. I say we, as in it was Marc's idea, and I'll likely end up doing most of the entries. This doesn't worry me in the slightest though, because I enjoy a good "type". Now what would be even better, would be if I was able to write it all in a book, in that old-fashioned stuff they call "ink" (nealy unheard of now in this technological world), and it would automatically be entered in this space here. Ah, but there is a problem to this I think, no spellcheck. Bless the man dearly who came up with that. Hold on, I don't believe there is any spell checker within this... Well then, you shall all have to bear with me!

As you may have already heard through the masive and ever-expanding grape vine, in less than a month, we will be on our way halfway accross the world, to India. "What on earth made you want to go there?" You ask? Well, God did. To be frank, it's probably not my first choice of destinations, I would have gladly gone back to the beautiful blue seas of the Caribbean. But that's not what He had in store for us right now. We have been inexplicably drawn to New Delhi, with it's population of nearly 13 million, to visit our friends Dave and Anna, and bring them toiletpaper. Apperently there it is like newspaper. Therefore, we shall have one suitcase of personal effects, and one of toiletpaper. But this, believe it or not, is not our soul purpose in going there. We will also be helping them get their business ready to open, and work for them while we are there. They are opening a small bakery, which will serve western style baked goods, as well as a few Indian treats I believe. Marc, as he is a baker (and does not burn cookies as I do) will be in the back, well...baking. I will be most likely running the front end, or helping out in any way I can.

We leave this great continent on the 23rd of October, which is creeping, no... not creeping, sprinting toward us at an unfathomable rate. Our return is set for the 25th of january, which means we will have an Indian Christmas. Is there such a thing? I have no idea, but doubt it. We will probably celebrate it somehow, but it will definately be odd away from all of our family. Somehow I will find a way of making goat taste like turkey. I like a good challenge!

I best be off for tonight, and for all I know, the next entry may be from our appartment in New Delhi!

~Katie and Marc~