Sunday, October 28, 2007

Humayans Tomb.

We decided today to go do something touristy that none of us had seen. This was easy for us because, well, we haven't really seen anything, but Dave and Anna hadn't seen this Humayan's tomb place yet either, so we went there. This is within the grounds, but is not the tomb itself. It is beside a monument for someone else I beleive. This is a Mosque beside the other tomb.

Dave and Anna on top of the other tomb with the mosque in the background...

Marc found a precarious precipice to sit on, and so did I so I took a pic of him.

This is the real thing. They make very large buldings to mark these famous peoples tombs. There are older ones elsewhere around the city, but they are smaller and no where near as kept-up. We even had to pay 250 rupees each to get in! (equivalent of $5.50 CAN)

This is inside, under the large dome in the massive building, the marker of the tomb which is in the ground far below.

This is the view from the top, looking toward the gate we came through. The grounds were really big, and quite nice! Green grass, trees, little canals, Bollywood stars.... yes, you heard me right.

We walked around the side because we could hear music coming from there. Right after we rounded the corner and started walking toward the other set of stairs, we heard "CUT!!" And a guy all in black (who must have been absolutely roasting,) shooed us off to the side. The music then commensed again, and they shot the clip again. So obviously ammused by this, we went down to the grass set up our little blanket and played frizbie (which the locals loved) and watched the filming of a Bollywood movie called "Sunday" appropriately being filmed on a Sunday.

We went straight from there to Church, which starts at 4:30. My kinda Church. And all young prople too! Lets just say that Dave and Anna were among the oldest there aside fromt the pastors parents. So I think it'll be easy to make friends there quick.

I'll post a few more pics tomorrow of the house and general life in the streets of Delhi.


Jack McIlveen said...

Marc is that rirt on your facr or are you growing stubble

Jack McIlveen said...

That was Dirt not rirt

Hilary said...

hey katie and marc

what do you call that shirt that you're wearing katie?
and is that dirt on your face? tsk tsk i thought that in india you were supposed to have a clean presentation. speaking of which, are there any sort of unspoken rules, such as ... can't remember proper term, but clothing rules, such as never show shoulders?
and what would you eat as a true indian breakfast?
sounds like you guys are having a blast! glad to hear that church starts at 4:30; i have to agree that that is a good time to start.
oh, and out of curiosity, what are the "regular hours" of a day in India? ie here it is 9:00 - 5:00, but there is it the same? just wondering cause you mentioned you mentioned an early prayer meeting on thursday.
ok, later!

Marc and Katie said...

hahah, that's stubble... he's contemplating shaving today...maybe... As for clothing, I have to have my legs covered ifI'm outside the house, and I think that's the most extreme of the sleevlessness possible. As for breakfast, very basic flatbread and chai is what pretty much everyone does. There is really no breakfast food around here. Regular hours seem to be 10AM to 10PM. Hard to get used to :P Butr yeah! Hope you see this!

rdahl said...

Hey Katie and Marc!
Wow, sounds like you guys are having a fantastic time. Katie your description of the market makes me so homesick for Antiqua. I love the mayhem! Seriously it was my favorite place to hang out!
Anyways, hope you both are whole, healthy and adjusting with minimal discomfort! :) Love you guys!