Thursday, November 22, 2007

Give us POWER!!

Well folks, the generator showed up yesterday! It's about time, that's all I have to say. Supposedly it will be up and running today, which means that we may be able to do some baking on Monday! And even better, as Anna and Rakesh were sitting in the bakery last night contemplating this revelation, the power company people (who have been wretchedly slow in getting around to things without "speed money"), showed up with the meter in hand, ready to install! But the question at hand was whether we had enough cable to go from the ovens to the box. The electrician ended up having to source the cable for the power company because they ran out. What kind of power company runs out of electrical cable!? Apparently this one. But there was some left over from elsewhere in the shop, so hopefully that'll work right? So last night when all this was transpiring, Dave burst into our apartment and declared "The BSE (power company) men are at the bakery NOW, and we need to pray that the leftover cable bought a month ago is long enough!!" So we did, and as we were the phone rang. It was Anna. Dave answered it, and relayed the message that the cable was long enough, but it was aluminum and the power company wants copper. Drat! We asked that it would be long enough and it was exactly, but we forgot to ask for it to be the right kind! :P So as far as I know the correct cable is being sourced and hopefully the power guys will come back today. What a song and dance this all has been.

As for the rest of life, there isn't a whole lot, Marc and I have been exploring the city while Dave and Anna fight with contractors and government officials, embassies and passport offices. The weather is getting cooler, similar to our late September I'd say. It’s somewhere around high teens during the day, and 8-10 over night. Quite pleasant in my books!

After a crazy day the other day, Anna and I spent a little while at the salon. Anna got a pedicure and her hair trimmed while I indulged in a manicure as well as a pedicure and a trim. Maybe it is because we are white, but the service was amazing! We had our hands and feet thoroughly massaged, tea served to us, and our hair fully styled even though we told them not to. It was rather amusing, and quite funny. Anna kept saying to the stylist “You should have left it wet, I’m just going to get all windblown in a rickshaw on the way home to make supper. I’m not going to a wedding for heavens sake!” But his head would just bobble side to side and he would smile and say “special for you today!” I’d poke my head around the mirror and she would smile and roll her eyes and say “you know I’m not going to pay for it, I don’t even want it done.” He would then bobble once more and continue curling. It turned out really pretty and lasted about two blocks. :P

There are two little street girls in the nearby market who have stolen my heart away. They don’t put on the most pathetic face they can muster and double over in pretend hunger pains like most of the other kids. They just run over and hold our hands and walk with us, looking up once in a while and smiling huge sweet smiles. They come to the Saturday afternoon playtime thing that we are now going to that Saji runs. I’ll have to get some pictures tomorrow.

Anyhow, it’s a friend of Dave and Anna’s going away party tonight, and we promised we’d do appies. So I’m off to do some cookin. See ya!

P.S. I figured out how to change it so anyone can post a comment. You don't have to have a blogger account anymore. So comment away! It'd be great to hear from you.


Anonymous said...

Wahoo! This is awesome! Unfortunately, I discovered this about 5 minutes before having to get the kids ready for school... but i will get back on here later, and add some more : ) xoxo, mum

Anonymous said...

Well at last, nice to hear more news from you all. Sounds like some serious frustration on your parts, but it sure is nice to hear that you are finally able to bake and get it all going.
Katie I sent you a Facebook mail msg several days ago and you haven't responded to it.

Anonymous said...

What? Dave and Anna's going away party? Where are they going?

Anonymous said...

Not dave and anna's going away party. A going away party at their house for their friend vanayak who is moveing to Italy.

Anonymous said...

we love you