Thursday, December 6, 2007

Cookies for the lovely, and the wicked.

I believe I can now officially say that The Bakery is complete. Everything is functional, wait… not it’s not, I lied. The small gas stove works all right, but it has a bad gas leak at one of the welds. So the people who supplied it will be coming tomorrow to fix it. But despite the various setbacks, we managed to get a couple batches of cookies, a few kinds of bread, and butter tarts baked! Nearly all the ingredients have arrived, and the shelves are stocked with everything necessary to make cookies, breads, pastries, and pies. It all feels more real and possible now, that we may be actually providing the neighborhood with delicious baked goods in a week or so. We put together cute little bags of the cookies we made, and gave them out to our fellow shops in the complex. Some didn’t even know we were here, (where they have they been, we don’t know, cuz we’ve made enough noise and hey, we’re white…) and some were overjoyed to be amongst the privileged few who got to taste test the very first batches of cookies to ever come out of Red Moon Bakery. But alas, as we have found out over the last few days, nearly everyone in this area is a strict vegetarian. That means no egg. So the cookies may have just been tossed, but heck, it's the thought that counts right? Those are the cookies for the lovely.

The cookies for the wicked were for our neighbors, J.I.T.I. It must be an acronym for something evil, we don’t know what, but you can make it up for yourselves and get back to us as to what you think it should be. It’s a computer training place, and draws a good amount of young people to our end of the complex. We are happy about this because it is potentially great clientele. The owner is psycho though. One day he is all friendly and happy-go-lucky, and the next he threatens to rip apart our signs at night so that he can put his where ours are. He had a giant sign for his place on our front wall, and we had it taken down to put our sign up. It is our wall, we are allowed to do whatever we want with it. Apparently he wasn’t thrilled about this. We gave him a few days to take it down himself, and when he didn’t, we did. It is still fine, there is no damage to it, and he can easily put it up somewhere else. But we gave them a bunch of cookies anyway. “Love your enemies,” right? “and it will be like heaping hot coals on his head.” Or something to that effect. Not the exact words, I know. So now (as you can see from the picture at the beginning) his sign is leaning against the wall beneath ours. Not the greatest, but at least our signs are still intact.

From now onward we will be working here at various different things at nearly every hour of the day. Marc and Dave will most likely be here from 3:00am to 12pm or so, and Anna and I probably from 8:00am to... whenever we can't go on. Maybe 5:00pm, maybe 8:00 pm. I don't know yet. These are the uniforms. I have a black golf shirt type one with a red moon logo stitched over the pocket, and a little black half apron with the logo embroidered down the side. This will be the front-end staff get-up. Marc is in the bakers uniform, complete with a black bandana. Pretty cute huh?

Here are a few more pictures of the action around this crazy place, and some of the goods that are being tested.

There you be. All relatively self explanatory. I am now going to create a Red Moon Bakery blogspot. It will be You can check it out, and any feedback is appreciated. My posts will definitely be getting fewer and farther between due to the whole working factor, so if you don't see anything for a week and a half and you are getting worried, facebook me. Wish us luck, and pray for our sanity and against sleep deprivation!


Anonymous said...

hey check this out the cookies may be saved after all

Lulu said...

Yay for a working Bakery!! :) Are you keeping the beard MArc?

Elizabeth W. said...

lol ok so when the picture was still a thumbnail and I hadn't clicked on it yet, I was like, "Who is that guy with the black bandanna on and huge wild-and-crazy beard standing with his arm around....oh my goodness."
Marc, I think you may be Josh's beard hero. You're a wildman.

Liz said...

A few ideas:
-Judas' Institute for Traitorous Imps
-Jacking Illegaly Tasty Information
(that would be your bakery sign.. well, I guess they haven't actually jacked it yet)
-Jingles for Important Television Infomercials (definitely evil)
-Jealous of Immigrants' Treats in India
(a.k.a. your cookies)
-Jail for Irresponsible Tyrants of the Innocent
(if there are responsible tyrants)
-Jim's Institute of Technology for Idiots

Anonymous said...

Love to read your comments and adventures - glad it is now a working bakery and hope it all goes well for your friends.... keep us posted -

and on the beard, Marc - it suits ya - have to be like all the other McIlveen men (other than Grampa), they have all had a beard at one time or another - and then get rid of them when the first grey hair shows up!!

Cara and Sydney's Blog! said...

the pictures are really funny. like elizabeth i didnt regongnize marc at first. anyway, that jita guy, who is he???

Cara and Sydney's Blog! said...

oh katie by the way, caraandsydney is me, heather