Saturday, December 1, 2007


Something seems to have gone a bit wonkey with this thing... I have it still set at anyone can publish a comment, but for some reason it is saying that you must have a blogger account. I apologize for this inconvenience, and will try to amend it as soon as possible. As for those cats you can jeep for tren years, they need to learn how to read through their posts before publishing them.


Elizabeth W. said...

Confused. Cats? Jeeps? I won't ask. :P

Anonymous said...

didnt make any sense to me either Liz

Anonymous said...

well at least we can leave comments - in some form...

I love reading your stuff, Katie - sounds like such an experience... though the guy and your squatter bathroom sounds a little freaky to take care and talk to you soon on Facebook!

Anonymous said...

Haha,oops I should have specified. In the previous post I had a few typos that the spell checker didn't catch and that I didn't notice either because I didn't have time to go back and read all I had written.