Thursday, January 3, 2008

Some goodies for your New Year?

Well folks, here we are already, a brand spanking new year ahead of us, and one filled with fantastic memories and experiences behind us. With all that the last couple of years have held, this one promises to be just as wonderful and filled with adventure also.

Christmas came and went without great fanfare, aside from the frightening Santa that is... We spent Christmas morning sleeping in, and the afternoon at "The Park" five star hotel eating lots of great food and sipping champagne and fresh squeezed orange juice with friends. This Santa fellow was having some issues with his mustache, so he decided it was best to forgo it all together and just pull his beard all the way up to his nose. As it was it looked funny but as he walked and the wind blew, the thin strands of white plastic "hair" would part, and expose his three-day-old stubble and tooth-rotting smile. He also had a large bell that he would ring as he yelled "MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!" (with vigor but no spirit). However, the sound which emanated from this bell was such that we all wanted to get up, take it from him and throw it over the 10 foot fence. And with the lofty open marble room we were dining in, this piercing chiming would resonate and threaten to shatter our bones. Thankfully we had all enjoyed a glass or two of Champagne, and we were able to laugh heartily at him.

This is Dave and I laughing very heartily at him. Alright, so not entirely at him per say, but mostly at him "gifting" us some chocolates that appeared to be wrapped by people with no fingers, and were warm and melty from his back pocket. Note that Davies face is nearly the colour of my Salwar suit.

Once the wind got too chilly for us to bear any longer, we moved ourselves to the indoors. Truthfully, we only ate outside because we wanted to boast to all of you in cold Canada that we ate outside on Christmas day in the nice warm sun. But as it was, some clouds rolled in shortly after we arrived, and a crisp wind was blowing our hair into our food as we delicately shoveled steak and prawns into our mouths. So we took the fun indoors.

Johnathan and Fosia were wonderful company, and delightfully photogenic. We were the few remaining people out of our group of friends still in Delhi for the holidays, so we were very thankful to have them to be with.

The suit I am wearing is one of two I bought to go to a wedding, but we never made it to the second day, and therefore I decided this was a suitable event to sport it. Who knows when I'll get another chance. There are no more big holidays, and I don't know of any more weddings we are invited to, so I thought, heck, why not? It may be the only use it gets.

While I'm on a roll, I may as well show you what the finished product (the bakery) looks like.With scrumptious goodies filling the cold case and the dry case, peoples mouths water as soon as they step foot into our tantalizing little sanctum. Here you can find Fresh Fruit Flans topped with pineapple, kiwi, oranges and pomegranate, Double Chocolate Cake, various tarts, an assortment of fresh every morning muffins and breads, and much much more.

As for Staff, if you arrive before 2:oo in the afternoon, you will see this smiling face as you enter, and these three making the goods in the back.

This is Ganesh on the left, and Anwar on the right. They are our prep/cleaning guys, and they are fantastic, indispensable and all around wonderful. We would be completely lost without them. The guy in the middle is Rahul, and he lasted two days. he lived fairly far away, and it was going to cost him a fortune in time and money to try and get himself to and from work every day. We just so happened to take this picture on his first day.

Well, that's all I can do for now, I hope this post finds you all well, and we are looking forward to seeing you all again in only a few short weeks!

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