Sunday, February 3, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Or should I say "Home Cold Home!" In relation to the temperatures we got so used to, we are freezing our little buns off right now. I give it a few weeks before we are used to zero degrees opposed to 15.

After arriving home late Friday night last week, we promptly messed up our tidy home by emptying our suitcases of loot all over the place. We enjoyed it thoroughly though, because it was like opening a treasure trove of goodies. We are gradually getting settled back into routine and life here, and as before mentioned, slowly getting used to the cold once more.

On the way out of Delhi, passing the sights we got so used to seeing, and traveling in a vehicle with the wind blowing in the open windows and through my hair, I made a little white Christmas wish. We were to have a second Christmas upon return, and I thought it would be so fantastic to have a bit of snow for the occasion. Little did I know that I'd get my wish. Shortly before we left Cobble Hill on Sunday, which was flooded with sunshine, we got a phone call from my Mom, saying that it was dumping down snow at her house in Saanich. Now, typically we are the ones to get snow and Victoria misses out, but it had reversed for the day. My Sister had been phoning friends around the city to see if it was snowing there also, but it appeared as though it was only snowing over their house, as the rest of the city got nothing. A freak storm came through starting over Brentwood, and ending at Vic General Hospital, dumping a good couple of inches of fluffy white stuff as it went. It caused traffic mayhem, because as it hit the ground it was compacted by the vehicles and turned the roads into ice rinks. It took us an hour to get from the hospital to Mom's house, a trip that usually takes 5 minutes. It was outrageous, but wonderful at the same time. We got our white Christmas!

We have now both returned to work, and it seems as though we never left. Besides being completely out of the loop as to what contracts have come in while I was away, nothing else has changed. I was very quickly put to work catching up with CAD drawings and sketches for current orders, and although it took a day to get used to the programs again, I was in full swing right away. Oh, not mentioning the nasty cold I caught on the flight to London though. I had to go home half way though Monday because I was dreadfully stuffed up and needed to finish sleeping it off. Marc went back to work Tuesday morning, and was thrown right back into the mix. He says nothing has changed, and routine is once again back to what it was before we left.

Our Stopover in London was great. We arrived late in the day on Tuesday, and by the time we got to our hotel after an hour tube ride, we were ready to pass out. Pizza from a little joint across the street filled the void in our tummies, and a good nights sleep was speedily attained. Wednesday was spent wandering about town. We quickly found that everything was within walking distance, so we ditched our ideas about taking the train everywhere, and just walked. That way we got to see a lot of the other little known or mentioned places of interest as well as the big sights. Thursday, our jet lag caught up with us, and most of the day was spent sleeping. Friday was a very long day of travel by train, plane, ferry and car. Almost all means of transportation in one day!

But now we're home. And we are glad to be. We miss our friends back in Delhi tons though, and we know we'll return some day. It's just a matter of time.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Marc and Katie: Marc and Katie here. I found your blog while searching for our own on google. Your guys' life looks pretty sweet. Maybe we could trade sometime. I especially want to see India someday! :) (chech out your paralel universe American selves at We would love to own a bakery too!