Thursday, November 26, 2009

Taronga Zoo

This week we tackled the zoo. We set aside all day Wednesday for the excursion, and piled on the 10 am bus to downtown to begin the day. A one hour bus ride and a 10 minute walk later, we arrived at berth 2 of Circular Quay to catch the ferry across Darling Harbour to the Taronga Zoo.
Here are Ben, Marc an I in front of the harbour waiting for the ferry.

And off we go!

The famed Sydney Opera House, as seen from the water.
The Opera house and the harbour bridge

This was the view from the aviary.



And those are all the pictures from the zoo! Although we did have a nice ride back into town on the ferry, we got to see a beautiful sailboat, and a ship that looked like a pirate ship! There was even a man sitting up on the mast!

And thus concludes our adventures at the Taronga Zoo.

The last few days have been spend running errands in preparation for Benjamin's 5th Birthday party which is tomorrow morning. The weather is promising, and it should have cooled down a bit as well to the mid 20's or so. Today's forecast is for 38 degrees, and it's steadily climbing toward that! Anyhow, I'm to go and continue some preparations, and I'll report back in a few days!


Mike W said...

Wonderful pictures, I wish I could be there too.
Hopefully someday. Looks like JAM had a good time as well.

Anonymous said...

wonderful pictures. sounds like you guys are having a GREAT vacation... huh balmy 38, huh? here i think it maybe reached 12.... :(
oh well enjoy your sunshine and keep posting! i'm living vicariously through you!
