Monday, October 29, 2007

The house, streets, bakery ect...

Alrighy, I now have some pics to offer you of the appartment, the bakery storefront, Our street and the stret the Bakery is on. I'll obviously tell you which is which though. I appologise for not doing this yesterday as I said I would, I was rather ill with a common thing called Delhi Belly that one is bound to get within their wirst week apperently. Marc seems to be fine thus far though. Ok, here we go. This is the view of our street from the balcony. Standing at the front door looking to the right toward the dining area. Standing just to the right of the front door, looking to the left at the office space. David and Anna's room. Our room.
Bathroom. Kitchen.
Living room. Hangin' out, enjoying the AC :) Ok, this is the street the Bakery is on. It is on the ground floor of the grey building you see on the right. The fella in the foreground is Rakesh, he is their Opperations manager type guy. He oversees he construction workers, and a bunch of other stuff. He also kinda acts as a translator when Anna (who's Hindi is very good) can't seem to get the point accross, mostly due to the other person not stopping talking. Rakesh, although softspoken, is also a very good nagotiator. Here is the Bakery's storefront. Quite cute I think! I have no pictures of the inside as of yet, I did a walk through video, but I'm still having issues posting them. I'll take a few next time we go in. This is a Vehicle we went to check out. It would be the delivery vehicle of baked goods to a grocery store in another state. Sounds far away, but it's about a half hour to 45 minute drive form the bakery. Could be worse! :P
This was rather amusing. The one guy on the motorcycle was giving the guy on the scooter a push. We followed them for quite some time, passing cows, goats, dogs and the like.

So there you go! We'll see what happens today. I'll probably stay home cuz I'm still running to the washroom every half hour :S Ok, too much information... See ya!


nathan said...

wow these pictures are great! Im glad you guys are doing well.

Running to the washroom every half an hour? sounds alot like pregnancy!!



ill shut up now....

~lots of love

Elizabeth W. said...

Hey - if you're having trouble up-loading videos, and you're using Safari, try using Firefox. It should work better. :) Awesome shots guys!

Anonymous said...

Love the updates! Your apartment doesn't look too is the weather there - warm obviously. Glad you are both feeling better... I liked Marc's comment on Facebook!!!
