Saturday, January 19, 2008

Street kids, and our trip to the Taj Mahal.

This post will be mostly pictures because they pretty much explain themselves. And because we are just about to go out for supper. :)

Ok, so if you have Facebook, then you may have seen all or most of these pictures already, but they are just so darn cute that I have to put them on here as well! These are the kids that we spend our Saturday afternoons with. They live under a local flyover (or large highway overpass type thing). They are employed by their parents to look sad and hungry even if they aren't, and to ask as many people for money as possible. I don't think they like doing it at all, I can tell by how happy they are when they are free to run around and just play like kids should. We get in a lot of trouble from thier parents if we give them clothes, so we just give them little toys to play with and food and water. They are heartbreakingly beautiful.

This last fella watched us most of the time, and he just cracked me up waay too much so I had to take a picture.

This next set were all taken at the Taj Mahal. They are also relatively self explanitory!

Alright, so that's that! We have our last day tomorrow, and we fly out to London at 12:30pm Delhi time Tuesday. This will be our last blog from here, sadly enough, but we are very excited to come home and re-unite with all of our friends and family whom we miss so much. So we will post about our adventures in England when we return, but don't expect it too soon after we return, there will be some recovery needed after our second Christmas and jet lag etc. So until then, farewell!


Anonymous said...

Wow those kids sure have a hard life, but sure look adorable.

Liz said...

Beautiful photos, Katie. You guys have definitely furthured my desire to go to India someday.